Who I Serve And How I Can Help

Don’t you wish you could feel unquestionably confident about your finances? You don’t have to look far to find financial advice or so-called proven formulas that promise to bring you financial success. And while there’s plenty of general advice you would be wise to take, your finances don’t exist in a bubble. They are an extension of you, your values, your dreams, and your life circumstances; as such, they deserve a personal touch.

That’s where I come in. I provide personalized service and protective guidance so you can approach your financial challenges and opportunities with unquestionable confidence.

Who I Serve

If you’re familiar with football, you know how important the red zone is. When teams reach this part of the field, just yards away from either scoring or being scored upon, strategies change and the atmosphere becomes heightened. This is not all that different from the critical years leading up to and after retirement. The financial mindsets and plans you had in your 30s and 40s need to pivot as you get ready to walk through this major life milestone.

At Frazie Wealth Management, our services are tailored to business owners, professionals, practitioners, and lifestyle savers who are in the Retirement Red Zone, the 15 years before and post retirement. In this stage of life, individuals are faced with complicated issues, such as having a retirement income they can’t outlive, navigating complex tax laws, saving for their grandchildren’s education, and leaving a financial legacy behind.

Regardless of what our clients do for a living or how they got their start, they all have a deep appreciation for hard work and smart decision-making. They want to be purposeful with their money and leave a legacy of finances and strong family values to their heirs. Because they are so motivated, they will not settle for average and want a long-term relationship with a financial advisor who will help them steward their vision. That’s the role we’re here to fill.

What I Do

Our customized services are designed to cover every aspect of your financial life through every stage of your retirement, helping to solve the five major wealth challenges facing affluent families such as tax reduction planning, maintaining a successful lifestyle in retirement, and transferring wealth in the most efficient and tax-advantageous way.

Our goal is simple—to provide advice and strategies that align the money you have with the life you want to lead.

Here’s how we make that goal a reality. Through a client-centered, relationship-based process, we take the time to get to know every client so we understand their dreams, their fears, their circumstances, and their challenges. Only then can we design a road map that covers all the bases, addressing the unknowns and risks, and giving them the confidence they need to sleep better at night and the time and energy to focus on what matters most.

The Frazie Wealth Management Difference

At every step in the process, YOU are the priority. How many times have you walked into a business or dealt with a professional and felt like you were a number, a potential sale—or worse, a nuisance? That does not happen with us. Our client experience was built to serve you, and our independence allows us to put you first and provide guidance and services that meet your unique needs. We work hard each and every day to give you the support and excellence you deserve for entrusting us with something as precious as your financial future. We do not take this trust lightly, and our clients appreciate our commitment to their success and well-being.

Are You Ready For A Different Kind Of Financial Plan?

If you want to get to the reward you deserve after working your whole life, we’d love to help you create a retirement plan that makes sense and leaves you with the confidence you have only dreamed about. Request your free 60-minute listening session today or reach out to us at (740) 354-9585 or by email at [email protected]. We look forward to speaking with you.

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The Fundamentals of Estate Planning

The Fundamentals of Estate Planning

Estate planning can be an emotional process. After all, it’s difficult to think about things like who will raise your children, or which loved one will best manage your financial assets. Estate planning is necessary, however, because without a will, your estate may end up in court. This means it could be divvied up based on a judge’s ruling, rather than on your personal wishes.

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